Safe Health and Environment

SHE's It is more than just a brand; it's a game-changer.

You see, SHE stands for 'Safe Health & Environment,' and we're all about revolutionizing how you experience period comfort while keeping it eco-friendly.

Picture this: a young and passionate founder from India, dreaming big and setting out to make the world a comfier, healthier, and greener place. That's us!

We're not just another leakproof underwear brand. What makes us shine is our commitment to empowering women of all ages.

We're not just about changing products; we're about changing lives.

So why India, you ask? Because we believe that's where the future of comfort, health, and sustainability truly begins.

Get ready, because SHE's It is bringing the revolution right to your doorstep! 🌟

legally registered name : HTD CO.

meet our founder

Meet the brains and creative force behind SHE's It - me,

Harveen Kaur Sandhu.

I'm not your typical suit-and-tie founder. Nope, you'll often find me with a paintbrush in one hand and dancing my heart out, all while soaking in those breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. I'm all about infusing fun and life into everything I do! 😄

My journey began in the charming town of Tarn Taran in India, and it took me across the globe to Vancouver, Canada, where I now call home. 🌎

At just 16, I had a lightbulb moment back in India. I saw firsthand the challenges of period poverty and decided it was high time to change the game. I envisioned period products that were accessible, wallet-friendly, safe, and eco-friendly.

Fast forward, and here we are with SHE's It. My mission is simple - to give every menstruating person the gift of comfortable, stain-free, and stress-free periods. And trust me, once you've experienced SHE's It, there's no looking back!

But I'm not stopping there. I'm on a mission to disrupt the feminine care industry. I believe that menstruation isn't just a monthly event; it's a source of power, rejuvenation, and creation. However, we've been stuck using the same old toxic pads and tampons for far too long, harming our bodies and the planet.

That's where SHE's It comes in. I'm proud to say that our products are the safest, most comfortable, and incredibly sustainable options out there. They're not just period products; they're a movement! 💪

So, let's rewrite the rules of period care together. Join me on this extraordinary journey, and let's make a splash as we redefine what's possible for a healthier, happier world. 🌟

Our vision?

At SHE's It, we're dreaming big!

Picture a world where every woman, from teens to seasoned adults, feels super confident, does her part for the planet, and stays comfy no matter what time of the month it is. 🌍💃 Our vision? To be the ones who make this vision pop! We want to lead the charge, blending women's awesomeness with eco-friendly vibes and total period comfort. Let's change the game together! 🚀🩲


Our mission?

Super clear, super cool. 🌟

We're all about hooking women up, no matter their age or what's going on down there. We're talking safe, healthy, and eco-friendly leakproof magic! 🌿🩲 From girls just starting their period party to women who've been around the block, we're here to rock your world with next-level comfort and eco-consciousness.

We're not just a brand; we're a whole vibe—a confidence-boosting, health-loving, planet-saving squad.

Get ready to join the SHE's It revolution! 🚀


SHE's It community

We're not just a bunch of people; we're a vibe, a movement, a support system. We're here to break taboos, celebrate womanhood, and empower each other to embrace leakproof confidence and eco-conscious living.

Whether you're sharing tips, asking questions, or just vibing with us, remember—you're part of something bigger.

Let's keep rocking the period revolution together!




At SHE's It, we're all about that eco-life! 🌿🌍

Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's our heartbeat.

We're on a mission to create a greener, cleaner planet, one leakproof product at a time. Our undies aren't just comfy; they're Earth-friendly too. We're reducing waste, saying goodbye to single-use products, and saying hello to a brighter, more sustainable future.

Together, we're rewriting the story of periods—one that's eco-conscious, empowering, and oh-so-stylish.
